Friday, July 31, 2009

Where has the time gone??

A night of reminiscing--my three babies who are now grown. Derek was 4, now 27. He is holding Meredith only a few weeks old. Now 23 and married. Jennifer 17 months feeding her baby--now 24. It is unbelievable how times flies. Sometimes I really miss those days.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Father and Son

I love to see Dads and their children walking together. Captured this young dad and his son early one morning at Topsail Beach. June 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pretty in Purple

I have been so busy this summer that I haven't taken much time to shoot. So I am looking through my archives and came across this shot from last July. Blossoms from my hosta.

Friday, July 17, 2009

A Solitary Bench

Quietly sitting there beneath the tree
Patiently waiting
For a woman with a book
For a child with and ice cream
For a stooped man with a heavy burden
Quietly waiting there beneath the tree
A solitary bench.
Susan Isbell

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Saw this unusual sculpture on the waterfront in Wilmington, NC. Made of wooden pieces screwed together. Quite appealing.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Can you spell...

letter S U letter S letter A letter N
Found this site where you can type a word and it spells the word with images from Flickr. Pretty neat. Check it out at

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hanging Over

Taken at Falls Park in Greenville. I love the red of the Japanese Maple against the green.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Spring Dance

Took this shot at the Clemson Botanical Garden a few weeks ago. After looking back through my images tonight noticed that it looked as though these two were dancing--thus the title. Took this with my 50 mm lens. Love the depth of field I can get with the lens but sometimes I am a bit off on the focus. Not sure about the out of focus at the bottom but it does seem to portray a bit of motion. What do you think?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Old Glory

I took this shot from the 2nd floor of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA a couple of years ago. I happened to walk past this window and noticed "Old Glory" . I thought it was an appropriate shot considering the history of the building. It was amazing to stand in the actual room where the Declaration of Independence was signed and so began our amazing country. I am thankful everyday for my freedoms and the life I have been able to live because I am an American. I am thankful to all those men and women who have served, are serving. and especially to those who have given their lives that I might live without having to worry about mine. Happy Birthday America!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Freedom is never free

I took this shot at Topsail Beach in NC. I got up early one morning and headed down the beach to get some shots of the sunrise. As I was headed back I heard a loud sound coming from the intracoastal waterway out into the ocean. I turned to see two army barges headed toward a ship just off the coast. It gave me a shiver as it made me think of the pictures I have seen from the storming of the beach at Normandy on D-Day during World War II. As we approach Independence Day I want to thank God that I live in a country where I can grab a shot of an army barge and not have to run for cover or be worried what this might mean. And I am thankful for the men and women who serve each day to make sure I have those freedoms and privileges. Happy Fourth of July Week.