Another bench--the leaves tell the tale. Once a spot to sit on a summer's eve--a bit too cool on these fall evenings--and dusk comes too soon. Winter is close behind--maybe I'll get a chance to capture some snow on this bench before spring makes its way.
I got my christmas present early. A new camera! It's a Canon Rebel XS EOS 1000D. I love it so far, but I am still trying to learn how to use it. Maybe you can give me some pointers some time! Looking forward to tomorrow night and the big bon-fire.
How exciting!! You will love every minute of it. You already have a good photographic eye. Your shots of Emma are well composed. I also suggest buying some photo editing software. I have Photo Shop Elements and I love playing around and editing shots.
Let's swap benches. I posted one on November 18. http://yica.blogspot.com
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