Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shem Creek

Ronnie and I stayed on Shem Creek on our recent visit to Charleston.  It was relaxing and interesting being right on the creek.
Not sure what this was--maybe a floating art gallery.  
 And I think maybe this was overkill.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Wreck at The Wreck

While visiting Charleston Ronnie and I ate at a local "joint" called The Wreck.  It wasn't much of a looker but the food was great!  It is located near the mouth of Shem Creek in Mount Pleasant.  This wreck was in their back yard.  Read more about the restuarant and check if out of you are in the area.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Around Town

Sometimes I forget what interesting things I can find if I just stop to take a real look.